Buono✖Banzai Groupdub Audition Results + Lagging-ness~!!

Hrm. As for the Buono✖Banzai Groupdub Audition results, please refer to my second account. :) You can find an obvious link on the right navigation bar. :D It's called "Cafekko Musume". ^_^

You must notice that in my previous post, I stopped filling in colours into my words, right? Well, you see. The main reason and only reason is my laptop won't stop LAGGIN'!!!!! Gah. I despite lags very much, y'know??

*sobs* *sobs* *sobs*

Anyways, that's all for now. :)
One more thing, I went to 7Eleven a moment ago and I couldn't find a Maple cup!! I was so dissapointed~ :"( But at least I got to try a new flavour of Slurpee~!! ^_^

Oh yeah~ Today, my dad came back from a business trip in Indonesia. He brought back lots of stuff cause stuff there are so darn cheap! Indonesia's currency are so low. XD Eh. Btw, my dad brought back some cakes from there and it does NOT taste good... *_*

Especially the pandan kuih~!! It tasted SOO like medicine and I almost threw up. =_=;; Everyone said it was good and ok. But not my taste, dudes~! I love SWEETS, not food that taste medicine! Bleh~ It just ruined my apetite for dinner~!!

I hope to eat some spring rolls tonight~ I'm craving for some~!!! SINCE LAST NIGHT...!! XD ♥♥ I don't like them deep-fried though... It's so oily. :"( But my sis loves them. =_=;; I prefer to eat healthy nowadays. So-to-speak. XD

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