I know I know

I know I have dissapeared again. :P OH well, it can't be helped, heh...! :D

I'll tell you what I did. ;D

I woke up at around 2pm-ish. I was "wandering" around the house while waiting for my sis to get out of the shower. After she was done, I took my shower. :) Then, played with my doggies for awhile~ (AH, quality time. Haha. :D) Then, we had our lunch. ^_^

My mum (later) turned on the TV and started watching it. I heard teh voices of CSI, so I rushed and grabbed a seat on the bean bag. MWAHAHAHA! Anyways, my dad's not around. :P Hehe. ;) After CSI finished, Heroes Season 2 Marathon was going on and I couldn't resist watching it! It starting around 2pm and ended up at 11pm. xDD

You must be wondering "did I spend the ENTIRE watching Heroes?". Yes! I DID! :D Even after Heroes finished I watch some cooking stuff on the Asian Food Channel (AFC). But I got bored and lied down in the room, the "computer/air-con" room. :P Then, I watched my sis playing Pastry Passion, LOL!

Then, my mum asked us to hit the hay already. *_*! So, I threw out all the stuff I didn't need out of my sling bag and just toss it aside. =/ I went out and watched what my mum was watching on HBO, I think? Or was it CineMax? WHO CARES????

The movie looked interesting so I sat and watched it till (NEAR) 1am. Hehe. :) Yeah, I got school today but managed to get my ass up. xD

SO, that's what I did yesterday. :D

Now, let's talk about the boring day of mine TODAY. :D

Woke up lazily. Calls from mommy and daddy. ;P Yeah, today was one of the rare days my dad woke me up. o_O! Seriously, it's rare. Lol. ANYWAYS. xD Met up with friends. :) Xin Yee finally gave me back my Twilight book (the first one) today. ^^! But I'm too lazy to read it. :"(

We had the so-called "hip hop" which was actually Malay traditional dance. Eww....!!! Our dance instructor didn't look that happy teaching us this either. =/ Before the dance even completed, everyone got bored and gave up. Even ME.

I plan not to go tomorrow but I'm just there to accompany Pyarri and Bretha. :) Lonely fellow, NOT. xD Haha. :) Anyways, I have completely NOTHING to do at home! So, home or friends? Pyarri's fun to hang out with. :D Though, a bit whacked. LMAO!

After the lesson, we had some activity that involved boring leaves. Then, recess! FREEDOM~! (For only 20 minutes and my nails are killing my spelling! I can't type properly, sheesh...) We had cooking session. Gawd knows why are we cooking??? Hm...

Xin Yee and I got bored so we excused ourselves and went loitering legally around school grounds. :P Haha. xD I finally paid off my debt for the newspaper. :) W00T! Then, met up with Pyarri. We chit-chatted. Later, we (three of us) went back to the cooking room. Btw, who on this land called EARTH eats French Toast with chilles and onions?? Tell me, what's wrong with this school!! Gah... Mrs. Aton is loosing it. =/ Oh well, better for us. Haha!

Oh yeah. Before I stop, I did something mean today to Thiyageswari (Thiyages for short). Lol... Although, it was all for jokes. :P Actually, before leaving my class and heading home. Thiyages's bag was at the desk near the door. So, Bretha took the bag just for jokes and wanted to leave it on the desk that was outside of our classroom (or homeroom). :D BUT, NOOO..... I was ALL evil and took the bag and placed it at the chairs ourside. xD

And I just left school grounds. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

I hope I don't get in trouble tomorrow. =/


Heroes Season 3 on Thursday!! I Can't Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I'm SOOOOOOOO darn excited!!!!!!!!! Gah.... Someone stop me... T_T

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