Just Missing Home

It's been about a month since I have been away from home.
I never thought I would ever say this but I'm feeling so homesick right now.
And I literally bawled my eyes out teared up about it. (´;ω;`)

Even though staying with my relatives is comforting and whatnot, it's just not the same as home.
The only thing that's making this homesick better is hanging out with my kareshi and friends. ♡
I guess that's why I love spending time outside of the house, instead of staying at my relatives place. Ahahaha. Arcades, assignments and friends take away the thought of home. So, I don't feel overwhelmingly homesick when I'm with the kareshi and my friends.

I can't wait till I get to visit home during a weekend.
And munch on all my favourite foods! And poke my mom to cook for me everyday until I leave home, again. And, and, and roll around in my bed. LOL. (*´▽`*)
Until then, I'll just suck it up and pray time moves faster.


Orpheus's New Look (Version 2.0)

Before I started my degree, I had one of my last photoshoots with Orpheus. (´∇ノ`*)ノ
I finally got around editing the photos. I was still procrastinating until I had to edit the new ones, in order to show him off during a class presentation. LOL. ★

So far, I've only uploaded one out of the kabajillion photos I took on that day.

I'll be uploading more on my deviantArt once I have enough time to filter and edit the photos.

Aside from that, this is Orpheus's current newer look.
I finally got him a shorter wig. It was too much of a hassle to take care of his longer wigs.
I love the fact that I can just pop this shorter wig on him and mess with it a little bit and ta-da, I'm done. Ahah~ It feels overly convenient~ ヽ(´ー`)ノ
And plus, it shows off his charm point 3rd eye. ♡

I'm (most probably) gonna stick with this look for a very long time.
The wig makes his features more prominent - which is awesome. (*´▽`*)
However, he still looks like a girl - according to almost everyone else out there. LOL.
But meh, oh well. He's my doll and the only opinion that truly matters is my own. ✿

Excited for Pokemon X & Y! ♥

In a few weeks, Pokemon X and Y will be released worldwide. (●´∀`)ノ♡

I'm feeling really excited for the first Pokemon game to be on the 3DS platform! ★
Up until now, I haven't placed my pre-order for the game yet.
I'm still having an internal debate between getting the Pokemon game or Etrian Odyssey Untold. Fml.

Aside from that. ☆
I plan on getting Pokemon Y, just because I like red.
The official Pokemon YT channel have been pumping out a bunch of videos.
I'm guessing it's just to build up the hype. Ahah.

#1 - The first gameplay trailer

#2 - The second gameplay trailer

No 12th Gen Morning Musume

This is old news but today, I just discovered that there were no winners for Morning Musume's 12th Gen auditions - at all. ∑(O_O;)

I'm having mixed feelings about this.
I'm happy that Tsunku decided not to add any new members to the current line up. But I'm a bit disappointed that he didn't pick Cuca-chan. (」゚ロ゚)」
According to the news, it's said that Tsunku will be holding another 12th Gen audition another time.
So, when that happens, I'm crossing my fingers that Cuca-chan will re-audition and hopefully, pass the auditions or just hit a home run wtf. I'm really looking forward to the day that she gets accepted! I think she'll be an interesting addition to Morning Musume. ♡

Fire Emblem Awakening & Shin Megami Tensei IV Get!!

During the weekend after my orientation ☆
My dad got me Fire Emblem Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV (LE) at Gamer's Hideout.

Technically, I chose the games and he bought it. Ahah. (。・`ω´・。)
I've only played Fire Emblem Awakening a little bit and homaigawd, I already love it~!
It's been so long since I've played strategy RPG games.
It brings back memories when I played Tactics Ogre: The Knights of Lodis. ♥ ♥

Can't wait to try out Shin Megami Tensei IV. (人´∀`*)

Starting Degree Life ☆

Recently, I started my degree in Games Design. (≧∇≦)/
There was a 2-day orientation. 1st day was a general orientation. And the 2nd day was, specifically, for the Games students. ☆

The 1st day orientation was kinda meh and tiring but still, bearable.
I met a few new people/acquaintances but I don't talk to them (at all, so far) after classes started.
Then again, that's because it's due to different courses lol. Ohwell. Ahah.

The 2nd day orientation was quite fun, I guess.
Part of the reason was most probably cause I finally get to hang out with my friends and the kareshi~
There was a game that was Assassin's Creed themed.
Long story short, I was assassinated by my kareshi. Tch. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

The day after the orientation ended was the weekend.
And that was when it really hit me that I won't be seeing my dog, Angel, and Orpheus for quite some time.

I had my last photoshoot with Orpheus a few days before leaving for degree.
It felt quite emotional at that time, I think. Even as I type this out, I really miss having Orpheus around.
Sighs. _ノ乙(、ン、)_
I still need to edit 'em photos LOL. Ughhh. I dislike the editing process. XD

Anyways. Classes started last week.
And throughout all those 4 classes, Games Narrative is one of my favourite subjects (so far). ♡
I find it quite fascinating - surprisingly.

Oh, and a side note.
I suddenly had a kareshi wtf. (๑・ω-)~♥”
He's been a friend since my diploma days. So yeah. LOL.


Culture Japan Convention '13

Culture Japan Convention (CJC) 2013 was held on the 17th and 18th of August, at the Straits Quay Convention Centre (SQCC). (`・ω・´)

Though, I only attended on the 17th as I had other stuff to do on the 18th. So, boo. ↓↓

I was super duper uber excited that the Asakawa Yuu is gonna be there~!
I absolutely adoreeeeee her Megurine Luka. (ノ´ー`)ノ
Horeyshiat. Thinking back about it still brings me so much joy and excitement! Ahem.

I was running late so I missed a part of Danny Choo's panel.
But I'm glad I didn't missed out on him talking about the Smart Doll. I was a bit disappointed that he didn't demonstrate a live preview of the Smart Doll. So, boo, again.

Up next was Asakawa Yuu's panel. ★
I was totally surprised that she could speak fluent English. I didn't expect that, at all. Woahhh. OAO
IMO, the pictures of her on Google Image don't do any justice to her beauty. She looks absolutely stunning in real life. I think I was mentally gawking and wondering how on Earth does one be so pretty wtf. This is humanly not possible. (⇀‸↼‶)

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