New Obsession: One Piece ♡

After my internship ended, I decided to start on reading one of those long arse mangas.
For example, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Skip Beat etc.
It was tough deciding which one I should start on first.
I, somehow, ended up with giving One Piece a shot.
Because (a) my friend was raving on and on about it, (b) I, basically, know what happens in the other mangas. So, I was like "hey, why not One Piece?". And boy, that changed my life. ✿♥‿♥✿

Now, I absolutely adoreeeeeee One Piece~!
I'm currently at chapter 632 which is the Fishman Island Arc. ♡
Though, I'm slowing down my reading pace cause I don't really wanna catch up to it. Cause if I do, then I'd have to wait for a new chapter every week (if there are no delays).
So boo to that. ( ̄へ ̄)

Though, I know I'll eventually catch up to it so, when I do, I'll start on watching the anime version of it. Ahah.
For now, my whole life is about One Piece. LOL. My Twitter's profile pic, header and wallpaper is from One Piece. My Facebook's profile pic and cover is all One Piece. Heck, my laptop's wallpaper and log on screen is from One Piece. Trafalgaw Law FTW YO.  (´∇ノ`*)ノ
And this is turning into a completely pointless post so, I'mma shut up now.

またねえ~! (*´・v・)

First Attempt: Felting A Tiger

Okay, I'm running out of ideas of blog post naming LOL.

The other day, I tried felting for the first time of my life. ⊂((・▽・))⊃
My sister bought a few pre-prepared ones from Daiso.
I made a tiger. *coughsKagamicoughs*  (*´・v・)

Btw, these pictures were taking via Instagram. I got lazy LOL.

So, the first stage was the basic "skeleton" of the body~

At that point, the ears were already out of shape. (ノД`)・゜・。
But whatever, I just pressed on - since this was my first attempt in felting.
Next, I added it in the nose and mouth(?), says the instructions.

See what I mean about the out-of-shaped ears? Doesn't totally look like a tiger. oTL
So, whatever. I just added in the stripes and followed my own style.
There was suppose to be only 2 stripes but I thought it'll look odd so, I added an extra stripe to my tiger~

And lastly, to add in the eyes.

It, somewhat, looks like a tiger - if it weren't for the oddly shaped ears. (@ ̄Д ̄@;)
But ohwell, there's a first time to everything. So, this is my end product and that's that. ☆

New Addiction: Tumblr ♥

Recently, I got myself a Tumblr account after being bugged by my friend.

It took me awhile to use my account cause I was on my procrastination mode.
But the other day I was bored to the extreme, so I dragged my virtual arse to be active on it.
I changed my default URL and layout first. Then, I never looked back since LOL.
Let's just say, it's very addictive to spam your own page.
And I actually don't mind being spammed on Tumblr (only on Tumblr!).
So yeah, go follow my Tumblr account if you want too.
Or, if you don't wanna follow mine, give Tumblr a shot if you haven't. It's addictive. ⊂((・▽・))⊃

Happy Birthday, Luffy! ☆

It's the 5th of May so, it's Luffy's birthday today! (●´∀`●)

Originally from Tumblr. ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

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