Niigaki Risa's Last Photobook, "Ascension"

Osu, people! Recently, I've been busy with catching up with anime(s) and whatnot so, I didn't really pay attention to the Hello! Project updates. So, anyways, that wasn't the point.

The point is that Niigaki Risa's last photobook title has been announced! (☆^O^☆)
It's called "Ascension". The release date of this photobook is on 27th April 2012.

I think the title of the photobook suits Gaki-san very much. (>y<)
She looks absolutely gorgeous on the cover too! It's simplicity at it's best.
There's also a small preview of what's inside on FLASH magazine.
I think it's gonna be a really awesome last photobook of Gaki-san! \(^▽^@)ノ

Don't forget, you can get a copy of it on CDJapan (or maybe 2 copies, if you're feeling rich lol)!
I hope you'll support Gaki-san by getting a copy of her photobook~ ♥(ノ´∀`)

Meet The New Baby: 1TB External HDD

Osu, human beings!
I have always wanted an external HDD, especially the 1TB ones.
In fact, owning a 1TB external HDD has been on my wishlist for almost a year (or two)! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
So, when my sister told me that my mom had ordered on for me, the other day, I was simply astonished.

Today, my 1TB external HDD finally arrived! So, my mom and I went to pick it up.
(Actually, there's 2 1TB external HDD but the other one is for my sister lolwhut.)

Now, say hello to my sexy HDD, Satsuki. (●´∀`●)

I'm glad I finally own one. Now, I can throw all my junk into it cause, seriously, my laptop is running out of space to breathe. Even the space on C: drive is almost non-existent already. (; ̄д ̄)


Anime Guide for Spring 2012

Yo, people! I just saw this Anime Guide on Moetron through Danny Choo's blog.
It's a little late that I discovered and blogged about this but better late than never! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Click Here for Full View

There are some anime that I'm interested in but there are some that I don't even bother putting it on my to-be-watched anime list. ヾ(´A`)ノ゚
But anyways, I'm currently looking out for these anime(s) --

April Fools' Day (2012)

Yo, human beings! (●´∀`●)
I just wanted to say Happy April Fools' Day to everyone out there.
No, actually, I just wanted to blog about something but don't know what to.
Anyways, I hope you don't get fooled today!
I didn't get fooled by anyone but that's because I've been sitting at home.

Ahem. ヽ(^。^)丿
If you got fooled, here's something to cheer you up!

It's the Screamer's latest violin cover video. This time, he covered Senbon Sakura. ☆☆☆

I totally cracked up when I saw him putting on that witch glove (from MS Madoka Magica).
And that shovel!! Omg, he's just brimming with epicnessity! (-^〇^-)
Hahah! Anyways, enjoy watching that video! ♥

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