Ultimate Madoka (Scale Figure)

If you remember this post from a few months ago, I was waiting for the announcement of the Ultimate Madoka release. And now, it's an almost-dream-come-true-moment.

*sighs in bliss*

Now, GSC, just take my money LOL. (≧∇≦)
If only I had the money for her, I would totally buy her. But unfortunately, I'm lacking in cash right now. oTL
She's definitely one of my dream scale figures to own.
No matter what, I MUST OWN HER!! She's too awesome to let go of. ☆ ☆
I hope I'll be able to save up fast enough to pay for the deposit.

You can get her on the official Good Smile Company website or on CDJapan.

Morning Musume 『One・Two・Three』(MV)

Osu, everyone! Morning Musume's One・Two・Three MV has been uploaded onto their official YouTube channel. It's from their 50th single called 「One・Two・Three / The Matenrou Show 」.

Oddly, their dance version of this song was released wayyyy earlier than the official MV.
Is this an business tactic? (✪㉨✪)

Anyways. I think the song is insanely addictive.
It's been so long since I heard something as "fresh" as this. Although, I didn't really like the auto-tuned parts. I wished they didn't auto-tune their voices so much. I really love hearing their, erm, raw vocals. Besides that, their dance is also very cool! There are no weird movements, I think. I think I'll be learning their dance when I find a spare time to do so! 。◕‿◕。
Plus, their outfits totally matched the song. And I feel like cosplaying Sayumin. XD

Ahhhh~ Everyone looks so amazing in the MV especially Sayumin! o (◡‿◡✿)

I just felt like picspam-ing. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
Notice how many Sayumin pictures are there in it? LOL. ♥ ♥

I plan on getting this single. It's their 50th single, after all! But I haz no money at the moment... *sad*
But if you want to buy their single, you can go ahead and get their single at CDJapan.
Bear in mind that it also helps to boost their single on the charts! (●´∀`)ノ♡

So, support them! ☆

My HTC One X ♥

Recently, my mom bought a HTC One X for me. (*´▽`*)
I officially named it, Hexcode. Yes, that's Sayumin as my wallpaper.

I'm seriously in love with this new phone! (●♡∀♡)
I never knew that Androids were so convenient. Now, I don't need to bring my laptop that weighs a ton when I go to college LOL. Cause I have my music, videos and games on it to kill my time in college. Plus, I haz access to the wi-fi. So, what more can I ask for? (人´∀`*)
Speaking of music and videos, the music output for this HTC One X is just superb! It's crazy!
The bass is just a killer, in an awesome way - of course. Try listening to U-KISS's songs on it.
It's like heaven in your ears. Eargasm moment. XD

Anyways, this phone is really awesome! That's the only thing I can say about it cause it's nothing less than that. (´∇ノ`*)ノ

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