Missing Events;;

Hrm, while I was posting... I missed out 2 or 3 or 4 important events!! Oh My Gosh~

Well, lets start with the Hari Raya event. ^^ I went to Munira's open house. They food they served was delicious. ^^ One thing is that I REALLY LOVE THE CHOCOLATE BROWNIES!!! It was so... heavenly! :D

My and my mum ate rice with many other side dishes. After we ate, we talked with Munira's mum; Aunt Jasmine. ^^ She was really hilarious. xDD After we talked for awhile, there was an elder man came. My mum told me that he was one of the van drivers for our Convent students (my school). I went, "OHH! So, that's why he looked so darn familiar!" xD

Mid-noon, we went to another open house to enjoy some delicious satay. And ICE-CREAM. :D Btw, Munira was SO pretty. ^^ Along with her younger sister. ^^ Z0MG~ I didn't even recognise her, lolz. :P It was fun being with her family. ^^ Btw, Munira are schoolmates, my mum and her mum are REALLY close friends. xP

So, anyways. :) My mum, sis and I returned home around 5pm. Btw, there was a Maple Hari Raya event happening in all worlds but different times. :( Anyways~ After we returned, I changed my shirt cause it was filled with sweat. xD And cause my mum told me so too. :P I played Maple for awhile before heading of to my dad's cousin's 50th birthday. ^^ I met my long-time-no-see cousins and relatives! :D Although, they are only from my dad's side of family. ^^

THE CAKE WAS HUGE! I think it was half a meter...! o_O;; But, it was still huge. :P I took some of it home cause some people really insisted after watching me eating almost a whole plate of cake. xD HAHA! Lol~ I'm so darn evil. xPP

We took some pictures as a part of a memory. :) But it wasn't my camera. :( Anyways, I had fun. ^^ Even though, the next day, I had to study almost the entire day! GOSH! =__=;;

Btw, I forgot to mention something. ;) This is about my doggies.

I gave Angel's collar to Titan because he was really quiet while walking and Angel already had that flea collar. So, I gave it to him and after a few weeks... He tore the thing into HALF... =_=;; I'm still keeping it. ^^

And then~ Last week, my mum and I went to the pet shop to buy dog food and a new collar. I chose the blue collar with a really cute bell. ^^ My mum bought a packet puppy and adult dog food, as recommended by the shopkeeper (also the boss). And she bought an EPO (Evening Primose Oil; something like that?) for Angel. xD This is because she sheds to much fur around the house..... Yeah... o_O;;

Guess what? After like 2 days of Titan wearing that recently bought collar, he did the same thing, AGAIN! Actually, the first few hours of him wearing that collar... He chewed the bell... like... it was some kinda play toy. The bell couldn't make any sounds... Sheesh! T_T Maybe I'll buy a new collar made of leather this time? Not so sure. :(


On the 3rd of October was my dad's birthday! :D We celebrated his birthday (without a cake, lol) at Pizza Hut. Although, the birthday man paid for us. xDD LMAO! Anyways, it was really fun. :) After our dinner, we went to the flea market and my sis bought some earings. I didn't feel like buying any earrings cause none suits me and I only have a one-side piercing muchly? :( Sadness looms over me~ Lol. :)

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