Clothes, Wigs and Eyes?

Oh gawd, my blog posts' titles gets weirder and weirder everytime. (_ _|||)

Today ☆彡
I was surfing for doll stuff as usual (and stalking the DoA forum 8D).
I found out that Dollzone's clothes, wigs and shoes has a high possibility of fitting DoD's DoC dolls!
I tried comparing the measurements and it seem quite similar to each other. (●⌒∇⌒●)

And so, I started ogling gawking searching for clothes that might suit her. XD
I did found a feeewww. *coughs* LOL.

This would be one of 'em.
It's so cute! \((=゚▽゚)/
I could die squealing at the dress instead of the doll. Haha!!
I wonder if it really comes with that violin slinging on her shoulder... I hope it does~

Oh yeah, one more thing.
I'm glad this outfit does not include that weird bunny mask.
You can see it clearly on the outfit's page. It's so weird + a little creepy.

I was trying to decide which one should I get, unsuccessfully. _| ̄|○
I don't know which one will suit her more so I thought I should just get both? LOL.
I think the left one will suit her more because of the colour.
But then again, the right one is also really nice and it might suit her if I bought the right wig...

I think this was the latest outfit that was added? I think. (I could be wrong!)
This outfit made me think of her (the Twing-key doll) as an Ice Queen Princess. LOL! ( ´∀`)
She'll be my little Ice Queen Princess. ♥

This is another must-get outfit. (´・ω・`)
It'll suit her nicely. It's really cute~
And she can go barefoot with this outfit haha!!

That's all that I found and liked.
After looking through the clothes' section, I went through the wig section. ♪
There were a few that I liked too. (I think I'm too easy to be pleased? XD;)

Although there is a tiny problem between DollZone wigs with DoD's DoC's head.
DollZone 1/4 dolls' wigs are suited for 18.5cm to 19cm doll heads while DoC's are only 18cm.
I think that 0.5cm will make a huge difference because this is (after all) a small doll.
I'm still asking around the DoA forum. I'm crossing my fingers for a positive answer! (;´ρ`)

And if it's a green-light answer, I would love to own a few of these wigs~

I just love those big curls.
It add the lolita feel around her even more! ☆

This gotta be one of the coolest wig I've ever seen.
A nice colour combo too. It kinda reminds me of that anime, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.
I'm hesitating on this, though. (._.)

I like this wig too~
Though, the bangs are kinda weird. But I think I'll be able to solve it with some combing, if I bought it.
This wig reminds me Fate-chan from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. *shot*

This is a might-kinda-get. XD!
I'm hesitating on it due to maintainence issue LOL. I don't know if I'll be able to take care of the wig properly.
Hopefully I'll suck it up and buy it~ *coughs*

So far, that's all for the wigs.
And then (XD), I suddenly got the urge to look at the eyes. ('-'*)
And so I did haha.

Prepare to look at some bodiless faces.

These two eyes look really pretty and it's something that I had in mind too. ♥

The left one, if you look at it closely, it's really interesting.
Idk why but these kind of blue eyes usually fit the lolita image. (・_・ )

The right one fits the character I had in mind for her.
Usually, I notice that yellow eyes are does not really fit the image of a 'cute girl'.
Most of it looks a little intimidating. XD!
So, I might get the right one~ |・ω・`)

My lists of stuff in increasing again. LOL!
I think when I really get my first BJD, I'll be spending more money on them XD her than myself.
I barely spend any money on myself. I usually spend my money by buying cheap keychains or a book/manga (this happens once in a very blue moon LOL).
When I really really really get into this hobby, my bank balance is gonna cry so hard. (≧∇≦)ノ

PS: When I mention 'her', I meant her. (^ ^)

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