Got Bored, YES

Yup. I'm SOO bored.
I wanna watch the animes that I planned to watch but I'm trying to hold that urge.
Why? Cause I wanna watch it during the upcoming 2 weeks holiday! W00T!
Anyways, I stole this from Caris's blog. It's suppose to tag people but who gives a fuck? :3


The Rules
Copy this, erase my answers and enter yours.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real, nothing made up!
If the person before you have the same initial, you must use different answers.
You cannot use any words twice & you can't use your name for the boy/girl name part.

1.What is your name: Melissa
2. A four letter word: Moat
3.A boy's name: Mike [XD]
4.A girl's name: Michelle
5.An occupation: Magician (XDD?)
6.A colour: Maroon
7.Something you wear: Matching clothes! (LOL)
8.Something found in the bathroom: Medicine??
9.A place: Malaysia
10.A reason for being late: Making out. [;3 JK! xD]
11.Something you shout: Mother Fucker!
12.A movie title: Maid in Manhattan
13.Something you drink: Mineral Water
14.An animal: Monkey
15..A street name: Monkey Street? (Seriously, I don't know... X3)
16.A type of car: Mazda
17.A song title: MY BOY by Buono! (I can list a whole lot of songs... XD)
18.A verb: Moving??



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