The Beginning of Year 2013

A very Happy New Year to everyone~ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Yahhhhh~ I can't really believe a year has just passed by. It still feels surreal.
But nevertheless, it's a new year and I think things are gonna get better this year.
Plus, the number '13' is my favourite number and so, I really think it'll be a better year - for me, at least. And I'll be turning 20 this year too. So, 2013 - how fitting! XD

As usual, I would make New Year resolutions that I hope to achieve (even though, I know I most probably won't be able to LOLwtf). ヽ(;▽;)ノ But hey, I'm trying to be optimistic here. oTL

1. Shed Off The Weight
I know I say this every year but I somehow, succeed and fail at the same time but not really. Ohgawd, that didn't even make any sense wtf. But yeah, healthy weight. Yay.
*Note the sarcasm XD

2. Make More Cosplay Plans Real
After trying out cosplay (after a very long time) during Comic Fiesta 2012, I really feel like cosplaying again. I have a few characters in my mind that I really wanna cosplay as, male and female characters. But I can't decide 100% on my decision yet. I think 2013 will have more awesome animes so, I'm gonna keep an open eye before jumping the gun. ☆

3. Play More Games
This sounds like a silly resolution but seriously, I barely gamed in 2012. WTF. (´;ω;`)
I hope to get my lazy fingers and brain to start trying out old and new games, and finish up backlogged games too. I can't wait to see what other newer MMORPG games are there for the SEA region!

4. Don't Slack From ACG World
During my sem breaks, I realized that I feel much more alive when I watch anime and read manga more often. I don't fall into slumps as often as I do, when I keep up with animes/mangas. So, I'm gonna try to put in more effort in catching up with the new and old stuff. Plus, it's a good way for relieving stress. (`・ω・´)”

5. Manage My Finance Properly
In 2012, I lost a lot of money. So, in 2013, I'm gonna try my best to spend on what I think is worth to spend on. It might be mangas, games, newer flash carts, etc but if I feel happy spending on them, I will do so. But of course, I wanna save some for my cosplay plans too and for the good of my future too. I don't plan on splurging everything I have anymore. It's very heartbreaking to see my money wasted on things (or people) that don't matter to my world.

6. Get Back My Fiction World
In all honesty, I miss writing so much that I feel like crying. I don't know why am I so afraid to write anymore but I will and must overcome my fear - whatever it may be. I hope to continue my writing habits, let it be a fanfic or an original story. I just wanna try to write again. Aside from that, I should start picking up my reading habits again. I need to re-read some books/series, once again wtf.

7. Practice Sketching/Drawing More Often
I can count how many times I sketched in 2012 with one hand lol. If I want to create my own game, I must stop slacking so much. I do enjoy sketching but I just procrastinate so much. I hope, in 2013, I'll do something about it! (ノ>ノ)

8. Blog More Often
The number of blog posts I had, comparing 2011 and 2012, 2012 seems very pathetic LOL. I wanna try to blog more often and consistently as possible for this year and the many years to come too! ♡

9. Be Happier!
2012 was a depressing year. Period.
So, 2013, you better be awesome.  ( ̄ω ̄;)

I'm gonna stop at no.9. I think having 9 resolutions would be better better than having 10, for some odd reason. I just feels right to stop at 9, instead of the usual 10. It's probably because of having an affinity with the number, 3. XD

So, that's my resolution for this year!
I hope it will be a better year for me.

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