Onegai Dakara...

The translation for PhotobucketOnegai Dakara...Photobucket by Mano Erina is out on
(The link opens to a new window.)

This is the PV for the song.

The translation is quite meaningful - at least to me it is! Photobucket

Again, I took this translation from

Without a glance, it is goodbye is it?
Compared to how I look, I'm not so strong.
At a time like this, I don't know
what sort of expression would be good.
From the start, even as I had nothing like confidence
I just pretended.

So please, let go of my hand that day
So please, let's return to a time before we met

I turn 20; on that day
"Let's be together, just us two, forever"
Though this is something from long before,
They cut through to my heart.
"If you believe you are strong, it will come true"
It wasn't you who said that...

So please, let me hear your laughing voice more
So please, I want to embrace this sorrow alone

So please, let go of my hand that day
So please, let's return to a time before we met

I love ManoEri songs.
Their just really catchy to listen to! Photobucket


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