Valentine's Day with Orpheus

First and foremost, I never thought of making a post about Valentine's for this year but I wanted to do another photoshoot with Orpheus so, here I am (again)! Yay! (*≧▽≦)
Though, this photoshoot session was kinda rushed cause I didn't think of it until the last minute.
So, don't expect anything awesome out of it LOL.

Btw, this is a photostory photoshoot kind of thing but not really. ( ̄へ ̄)
Anyways, I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking instead~

Orpheus sees a teddy bear!

Orpheus ponders~ (No, actually, I just wanted to shove this picture in cause he's awesome LOL)

He approaches the teddy bear. Awwehs! (o^^)o

And, he's still... approaching it... XD

Orpheus is going to pick it up! Or... is he? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

The teddy bear is so lucky to be in that position. *SHOTDIE* XD

I'm sorry but Orpheus just... looks like a pedobear right here.
Hahah! PedoBEAR, get it?! XDD Okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop the ridiculous pun now. \(--)/

And then, I got distracted by how he was able to pose without my help anymore!
Heck, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him locking into that half-kneeling-ish pose. I took some other pictures then, side-tracked. I changed his wig and played around with him, totally forgetting about the Valentine's theme. Then, I saw the time and remembered the purpose of the photoshoot. (’-’*)

Ahem, so, I present to you... the final product from this photoshoot!

Happy Valentine's Day
Now, this is more like him! LOL. I'm sorry for making you out of character, Orpheus. _| ̄|○

And lastly, Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it. \(^ ^)/


  1.! ^^ hAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you too =)

    1. Hey! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too~ XD

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