Ice Glass! :D

This is all a bunch of totally belated posts. m(_ _)m
I was suppose to update my blog on the day that I took the pictures but due to procrastination, it's jumbled up now wtf. _| ̄|○


The other day, I was super thirsy and it was a hot day too.
So, I had this amazing idea of filling a cup with water and putting it in the freezer. (Note the sarcasm lol)

And so, I put the cup in the freezer then I went into the study room where I turned on the a/c. And guess what?
After a while, I totally forgot I left the cup of water in the freezer. ( ̄~ ̄;)
Like wth's my problem? Seriously?! (LOL)

Okay. So after that...
In the evening, when I went out to the living to randomly watch TV.
I was watching Heroes. (No, not the American series of Heroes with people with supernatural powers)

My brain suddenly clicked and I went "OMG. I left the cup in the freezer!".
So, I brought out the cup and it was a masterpiece. (≧∇≦)

Looks normal, aye?

It doesn't stick to the side of the cup! ♥
I drank a little bit out of the glass cup. *points below*

How awesome is this? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
It's a freaking ice cup.
(This post is starting to make no sense LOL)

In the end, the ice cup melted. BOO.
I wonder if this can happen twice? I wanna try again but I'm too lazy lol.

Bye for now~ ♥

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