A New Look!

Ello hello~
I've noticed that I've been having the same blog template for the longest of times.
So, I thought it was time to change to a new one! ヾ(^∇^)

I took awhile to settle down with one that felt right to me.
Most of the ones that I came across seemed to professional to me? If that even makes any sense...
I prefer something more personal to me. And not so standoff-ish.
But that's just me being me. Ahaha. Σ(゚Д゚|||)

The current layout that I'm using is from Blogger Candy.
I really love how the template was made! But I made some modification to the original template in order to make it more personalized~
It's still a work in-progress though! ♡

When I find the time to really sit down AND have a proper revamp session, I will.
But for now, my current blog will stay as it is~
It's really refreshing to look at. I'm really happy with it!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

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