My HTC One X ♥

Recently, my mom bought a HTC One X for me. (*´▽`*)
I officially named it, Hexcode. Yes, that's Sayumin as my wallpaper.

I'm seriously in love with this new phone! (●♡∀♡)
I never knew that Androids were so convenient. Now, I don't need to bring my laptop that weighs a ton when I go to college LOL. Cause I have my music, videos and games on it to kill my time in college. Plus, I haz access to the wi-fi. So, what more can I ask for? (人´∀`*)
Speaking of music and videos, the music output for this HTC One X is just superb! It's crazy!
The bass is just a killer, in an awesome way - of course. Try listening to U-KISS's songs on it.
It's like heaven in your ears. Eargasm moment. XD

Anyways, this phone is really awesome! That's the only thing I can say about it cause it's nothing less than that. (´∇ノ`*)ノ



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