Awesome day;;

Like every Saturday, I would go to the Sunway Carnival Mall and my grandma would go for the foot and body reflexology thingy. Twas TWO freaking long hours! So, my mum, sis and I went to get some waffles from Daily Fresh!! :D Man, I love their waffles... ^^ As we were waiting for our order to be ready, my mum and I went to find a place to top-up my prepaid phone. :D

And then, we sat somewhere and ate our DELICIOUS waffles! :D After we were done, we went to Popular Book Store to search for the past year PMR question papers unsuccessfully. I was all pissy and moody like. My sis went to search for an engineering book-ish. But she ended up searching for anime stuff. xDD And then, my mum and I went to search for my sis who was at the CD section and my sis told me to look behind the counter... And so I look. I got the SHOCK of MAH life, baby! >_<>.< id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5243246468408915138" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">

I covered a small part of it cause it's important and I absolutely CANNOT give it OUT!! It's my serial number. ^^ xD Anyways, I saw this too...;; xD

Sunway Carnival is seperating rubbish into 3 categories. ^^ Easy, aye? :D Paper, glass and aluminium. Teehee. *_* Btw, after we ate waffles, we went to the cinema to get drinks. And this is what me, my mum and sis did... xD It's F&N Strawberry. :)

:D That's all, next POST! xD

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