So yeah... The pic may not seem so dark cause there's light coming for the other entrance. xD
SO, we moved on and my dad just said we shall go eat at a kopitiam. ^^ I did not knew what he meant at first but when we when to the place, it clicked in my head. xD OLD TOWN! :D We waited a while cause the whole shop was full. >.<>
After we ate, I suggested to go to the pets' section in Jusco! :D Which everyone agreed. *_* So, we went. ^^ THE PLACE WAS HEAVENLY! (But expensive to the extreme... >_<;;) Anyways, I bought for my dog -healthy- snacks to munch on. :D Which was dog cookies (MIX FRUIT) and carrot + chicken sticks-thingy-ish. ^^
Then we moved on. xD My mum wanted to buy I-don't-know-God-knows-what. X_X But we were at the fruit section, so yeah... I took random pics of these. xDDDDDDDD;;
After my mum paid, we stopped at the Pappa Roti; it's some kinda Mexican bun stuff-ish~~ My dad and sis bought, but I didn't want any cause I don't like Mexican buns. >_> So yeah... xD Then, we stopped somewhere where the smokers love to go and shop. xDD A tobacco shop. :P It's called the Kamelah Tobacco House. ^^
So yeah. o_O The pipes were so cool, I felt like smoking too. xD There was one that had a cowboy hat on it. ^^ Twas so cute. ;__;! There were a variety of lighters too. :P
Soon, we ... left ... the ... shop .... xD ... And we went to Watson to buy shampoo. ^^ For my dad. ;P
I bet this pic seems very familiar to someone. ^^ Aye? Hahahahahaha. xDD We bought these, actually. Not the bottle above. :P
From the left to right. ^^ (Mouthwash-thingy, hair shampoo and toothpaste) xP
Anyways, so we left estimately 6pm-ish. ^-^ Btw, we couldn't find our car. xDD But eventually we did. And before that, I spotted my schoolmate, Munira. xD And her family. :P Without her dad, that is. ^^ It was so hilarious. x_x My mum knew her mum. :) They're quite close too. ;P
Before we went home, you should see how dark the parking lots are. ^^ And a few sceneries. :) There were too many pics so I'm putting it into a folder in Photobucket. Hope ya'll do not mind. :> [hughug]
PS: The pics are quite messed up. And are arranged randomly. There are also scenes of randoms. XD ;DD
Thank you for your time. ^^ <33
Yeah i no tat!!!!!! hahaha =P