Morning Musume 『Renai Hunter』 (MV)

On the 21st of March 2012, Morning Musume (モーニング娘。) released the MV for their 49th single called "Renai Hunter" (恋愛ハンター). This will be the last single Gaki-san will ever participate in. (´∩`。)

Here's the official MV for Renai Hunter.

In my opinion, this song has to be one of the best Morning Musume songs I've ever heard.
In fact, this is the type of Morning Musume songs I prefer, if compared to Pyoko Pyoko Ultra.
This MV, somehow, gives a sense of maturity. I'm surprised that the new members could keep up with the sempai(s).
From the vocals, to the choreography, to the outfit, everything was spot on! (☆^O^☆)
But I gotta admit, I wasn't really fond of the choreography when I watched it for the first time...

Choreography aside, I really love Riho's vocals in this song. She doesn't sound as squeaky as she did in 12, Smart. Plus, she looks really stunning in this MV!  (ヘ。ヘ)

It's kinda unfortunate that the 10th gen members barely got any lines but I'm sure they'll get more, in future.
After all, they still have a long way to go before they're able to surpass their sempai(s)! ヽ(`◇´)/

Here are more awesome random screenshots I took, from this type of close-up.

Seriously, if Ikuta keeps on stopping my heart with that look, I might actually die lolwtf.
I think Ikuta would take over the #1 spot, if/when Sayumin graduates. ヽ(´ー`)┌
Heck, she might even be able to beat Airirin out of her spot LOL.

I was really, really, really surprised when I saw Haruka and Harunan's close-up shots.
They look absolutely amazing! I think Harunan might actually become a model, it seems highly possible.

I love the 2-shot on the left-side picture, the one with Reina and Harunan. o (◡‿◡✿)
Although, they don't really look like a sempai-kouhai pair LOL!
Aside from that, Gaki-san looks amazing in every single shot! She never fails to amaze me~ ♡

Ahem, I couldn't get that many screenshot of Kanon - unfortunately.
I think Kanon and Haruka will grow into super bijins! (*´▽`*)*random*

Btw, did you take notice how I haven't posted a single Sayumin screenshot yet?
Well, here they are! (人´∀`*)

*happy sigh*
There's actually another epic picture of her but I'll post that somewhere at the end of this post! XD

During the MV, there was a few parts where the girls were "featured" in magazines - which is really creative.
And being me, I couldn't resist screenshot-ing 'em! It's too epic~!  (‘∀’●)♡

The 9th and 10th gen's sempai(s). 。◕‿◕。

The 9th gen members.  (´ ▽`).。o♡

And the 10th gen members! (∩_∩)

And with that picspam, that's the end of my long review.
Remember, don't forget to support the girls of Morning Musume by buying their single!
And if you're a fan of Gaki-san, you could buy her commemoration single! It has her cover solo song in it~!

Oh, wait, I almost forgot to post this pic of Sayumin!

Okay, I'm officially done spamming you! XD

Remember, don't forget to support them by buying their single~!!

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