Once In Four Years

Yo, people!
This is kind of late but Happy Leap Year! Woots! (^o^)/
Since today's a special day, I wanted to do something special aka, do a photoshoot with Orpheus. Ahah!
Also, I wanted to show the gentler side of Orpheus~ ☆

Honestly, I know he looks angry in most of the pictures cause it's on purpose LOL!
But since it's a special occasion, I wanted to tone down his sexy-beast-look to a gentle-beast-look wtf.
These are 2 of the many pictures I took of him. I'll up picspamming my blog with his pictures when I have nothing to blog about. (ノ´∀`*)ノ
Or maybe, I'll just randomly upload 'em onto my deviantArt account.

Anyways, here are the pictures! XD



Once again, Happy Leap Year!

PS: More of these photos will be upload onto my deviantArt accout.
PPS: All photos are unedited, unless stated
PPPS: Orpheus is so hawt. XD

Orpheus: A New Perspective

Osu, everyone!
Last night, I decided to change Orpheus's random Dollmore eyes to the one I bought from LUTS.

Honestly, it was such a painful process! (;_・)
I had to dig out all the eye putty with my finger. Plus, I just cut my fingernails moments before I dug the eye putty out of Orpheus's skull. Oh, and the S-hook is such a pain!
I predict it's gonna be a huge pain in the hand when I take him apart and restring him... _| ̄|○

Anyways, pain aside! It was very worth the pain after I saw the eyes from LUTS fit his personality quite well~
I couldn't help but fangirl at Orpheus's eyes wtf. XD It's just SOOO pwetty!! O(≧∇≦)O

Here's a comparison pic, after-and-before pictures of his new and old eyes. ☆

Orpheus's New LUTS Eyes

I can't wait to take more picture of him with his new eyes, in the natural sunlight!
Cause I think the details of the eyes will show more if it's under the natural sunlight~ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

On the side note, this whole process of changing his eyes definitely reinforced my bond with him.
I haven't been spending much time with him ever since last week, due to endless assignments ugh!
So, I was really happy to make some time for him last night~ ♡

PS: I wanna pamper him even more now LOL!

First Japanese Class

Osu, everyone!
I know I haven't been actively blogging lately. Please blame the shitload pile of assignments that were thrown into my face instead! ( ̄へ ̄)

Anyways, that wasn't the point of this blog post!
I just wanted to say that I attended my very first Japanese class today. (o^^)o
Let me tell you, it was a total mindraep on the first day, with all the pronunciation and whatnot. Like, holy crap.
It's utterly confusing. It's just... woah LOL. But I feel much fired up after today, though! YOSHAA!!
I hope I'll learn more and I hope I'll be able to pass JPLT 5 by the end of this year.

And that is all for this post! Congratulations if you read all of this, until now.
You have wasted about 5 minutes of your life. ( ´∀`)

Valentine's Day with Orpheus

First and foremost, I never thought of making a post about Valentine's for this year but I wanted to do another photoshoot with Orpheus so, here I am (again)! Yay! (*≧▽≦)
Though, this photoshoot session was kinda rushed cause I didn't think of it until the last minute.
So, don't expect anything awesome out of it LOL.

Btw, this is a photostory photoshoot kind of thing but not really. ( ̄へ ̄)
Anyways, I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking instead~

Orpheus sees a teddy bear!

Orpheus ponders~ (No, actually, I just wanted to shove this picture in cause he's awesome LOL)

He approaches the teddy bear. Awwehs! (o^^)o

And, he's still... approaching it... XD

Orpheus is going to pick it up! Or... is he? ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

The teddy bear is so lucky to be in that position. *SHOTDIE* XD

I'm sorry but Orpheus just... looks like a pedobear right here.
Hahah! PedoBEAR, get it?! XDD Okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop the ridiculous pun now. \(--)/

And then, I got distracted by how he was able to pose without my help anymore!
Heck, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him locking into that half-kneeling-ish pose. I took some other pictures then, side-tracked. I changed his wig and played around with him, totally forgetting about the Valentine's theme. Then, I saw the time and remembered the purpose of the photoshoot. (’-’*)

Ahem, so, I present to you... the final product from this photoshoot!

Happy Valentine's Day
Now, this is more like him! LOL. I'm sorry for making you out of character, Orpheus. _| ̄|○

And lastly, Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it. \(^ ^)/

Welcome Home, Orpheus (Dollmore's Dollpire Victor Lou 3-eyes)

WARNING: This post is VERY image heavy! You have been warned.

Osu to everyone who's reading this!
If you've been following my blog, I have blogged about wanting a Dollmore Dollpire Victor Lou 3-eyes for quite sometime already. And I wanted him, as my very first BJD. And it's a dream come true to finally own him!

On the 8th of February (or was it the 9th?), I received a customs notice from the delivery man.
I had to go pick up my dear Orpheus from the customs office and I knew, I was gonna get taxed.
However, I'm not free during to weekdays so I had to wait until Saturday (which is on the 11th of February) to pick him up and get over with the customs taxing thing. I just want him, in my arms so badly! (;_・)
I know, waiting for 2 months is not a torture compared to other longer waiting times but it's seriously killing me - to know that he's here and I can bring him home and yet, I can't because there's a wall between us. Ugh.

Unfortunately, this post is not really a box opening post cause I had to open his box and open up his mummified body at the customs office. They wanted to inspect him and whatnot.
Once they're done with all the paperwork and I paid the freaking wallet heart aching tax, I FINALLY got to bring him home! *throws confetti*

Like I said before, this isn't really a box opening post but let's pretend I've never opened his box before, 'kay? XD
So, without further ado, I present to you, Orpheus's fake box opening ceremony!

Orpheus (1)
Le sexy box on le floor in le study room! (Okay, I'm stopping it with the le thing.)
Honestly, this box looks MUCH MORE huge that it is in the picture.

Ultimate Madoka Figurine (Preview)

Last night, I was watching Danny Choo and Ferlyn Yoshimi's live broadcast on Nico Nico.
I didn't really pay attention to most of the figures cause I was only interested in looking at Ultimate Madoka's.
Unfortunately, the release date for Ultimate Madoka has not been decided yet. So, boo to that!
I hope she won't be that expensive but I bet she'll be - after all, it IS the Ultimate Madoka~!!

Here is some screenshot that I took during the broadcast (of Madoka's figure).

That's all I saw. ( ̄へ ̄)
I hope she'll be released for the international fans.

Hello to February, Goodbye to January

Happy February to everyone! \( ̄ー ̄)/
I know it's a little late to say that but whatever. Better late than never, right? Ahah~

Anyways, January was a really hectic (but boring) month for me.
The only (actually, two) thing I enjoyed was Chinese New Year and getting together with my old schoolmates. Those two were the only enjoyable things that happened on January. Meeting up with my friends was definitely a stress-reliever. We just talked, eat, talked even more, then walked around and talk some more. (´・ω・`)
Unfortunately, on the Chinese New Year week, I had a bunch of assignments to complete and that was not fun - at all. And then, when I returned back to college after the 1-week holiday, more assignments were shoved into my face. Ah, joyful college life. *eyeroll*

A few days after returning to college, it was already February. The month of love, so to speak. Hah, love my assignments and exams indeed. *shot*
I'll be having my midterms this week and I'm oh-so-excited. /sarcasm 
(That reminds me, I haven't started studying for it, yet! Fark this shyt! Ahem. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ)
Aside from depressing days that will haunt me like no tomorrow, I am excited about ONE thing!
My doll should be will be arriving soon! He's already in the country~ But stuck in customs, ugh.
Yaa~ I seriously can't wait to feel what's it like to smell/touch/molest a BJD. o(^^o)
I've already decided to name him, Orpheus. Though, that might change once I get a better look of him. Hahah!
There's a story behind the name, Orpheus, which has something to do with my obsession with Uta☆Pri but let's not get into detail. I'll blab about it some other time. \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

So, that was all for my boring January days. I hope February won't be as horrifyingly boring as January!
And end of post. ( ´∀`)

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