Hello to February, Goodbye to January

Happy February to everyone! \( ̄ー ̄)/
I know it's a little late to say that but whatever. Better late than never, right? Ahah~

Anyways, January was a really hectic (but boring) month for me.
The only (actually, two) thing I enjoyed was Chinese New Year and getting together with my old schoolmates. Those two were the only enjoyable things that happened on January. Meeting up with my friends was definitely a stress-reliever. We just talked, eat, talked even more, then walked around and talk some more. (´・ω・`)
Unfortunately, on the Chinese New Year week, I had a bunch of assignments to complete and that was not fun - at all. And then, when I returned back to college after the 1-week holiday, more assignments were shoved into my face. Ah, joyful college life. *eyeroll*

A few days after returning to college, it was already February. The month of love, so to speak. Hah, love my assignments and exams indeed. *shot*
I'll be having my midterms this week and I'm oh-so-excited. /sarcasm 
(That reminds me, I haven't started studying for it, yet! Fark this shyt! Ahem. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ)
Aside from depressing days that will haunt me like no tomorrow, I am excited about ONE thing!
My doll should be will be arriving soon! He's already in the country~ But stuck in customs, ugh.
Yaa~ I seriously can't wait to feel what's it like to smell/touch/molest a BJD. o(^^o)
I've already decided to name him, Orpheus. Though, that might change once I get a better look of him. Hahah!
There's a story behind the name, Orpheus, which has something to do with my obsession with Uta☆Pri but let's not get into detail. I'll blab about it some other time. \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

So, that was all for my boring January days. I hope February won't be as horrifyingly boring as January!
And end of post. ( ´∀`)

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