Hello! Project 30 Day Challenge: Day 18 - Day 26

Day 18: Favourite Concert?

I think it definitely has to be Morning Musume's Concert Tour 2011 Spring New Genesis Fantasy DX. (๑・ω-)~♥”

I've watched this concert about 3+ times. It's the most our of the other concerts.
I seriously love watching Ai-chan, Gaki-san and Riho's Moonlight Night ~ Tsukiyo no Ban da yo~ performance. And Sayumi's medley which was followed by Sayumi and Eripon's Rainbow Pink.
Oh, and medley at the end of the concert~ (✿ ♥‿♥)
I even extracted the concert's audio so I can listen to them when I don't have time to watch the entire performance. LOL. So, yeah, this concert is definitely my top favourite - for now!

But aside from this, I really love Morning Musume's Concert Tour Fall 2011 Ai Believe and Morning Musume's Concert Tour 2012 Haru ~ Ultra Smart ~. (ノ> ◇ <)ノ♪

PS: I just realized that I love mostly Morning Musume concerts. XD

Day 19: Who would you like to be for a day?

I would love to be Sayumi but then again, I think I'd rather have the chance to be near her instead. ★

So, it's either Ayumi or Harunan.
I wanna be Ayumi because of her awesome dance skills. I would love to feel the ability to know how to dance well. But then again, I wanna be Harunan cause it seems fun to be her. LOL. I really love her model-look. Well, she was a model - after all. ⊂((・▽・))⊃ Plus, she's really fashionable! ♥

Day 20: The most charismatic idol?

Since the question did not mention anything about the ex-members of Hello! Project, I shall just choose from the current member line up in Hello! Project. And for my choice, I'd say Tanaka Reina.
She's not like the typical cutesy idol that you see in the industry. She is cool and tough.
And plus, I really admire her determination into getting in Morning Musume.
Seriously, her yankii image is just too awesome~ ( ̄ー ̄)

Day 21: The idol you have the most respect for or admire?

My utmost respect goes to the first generation of Morning Musume.
I think, without them, there won't be Berryz Koubou and C-ute. Which led to S/mileage and many more.

Day 22: Your favorite Costume?

There is too many to choose from. So, I'm gonna stay neutral by not answering this question. Ahah.

Day 23: Past H!P member you miss the most?

Ai-chan and Gaki-san, hands down.

Day 24: Idol that is not one of your favorite but that you think is really good?

I think Kumai Yurina is quite good. I think.
I read some people said she's bad at singing and they don't get why she suddenly had so many lines.
Well, that's because she has talent. I think she's quite good at singing.

Day 25: Past group you miss the most?

I'd say the 4-member S/mileage.
Although they haven't disbanded yet but I really prefer S/mileage with just the four of them.

Day 26: Idol with the best personality?

Well, I think everyone has a really great personality but I guess it comes down to preference.
I would say Ai-chan or Gaki-san but they have already graduated. Hmm.

I guess I'll just go with my Sayumin~ ( ゚▽゚)/

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