One of my favourite characters from Uta✩Pri was definitely Shinomiya
Natsuki Satsuki. (ノ´ー`)ノ
I fell head over heels for him ever since Episode 6.
I mean, who wouldn't?! He has that
don't-come-close-to-me aura oozing out of him.
My heart went crazy after he stole the spotlight from
Hayato-sama Tokiya.
He performed his insanely awesome character song, Orion de SHOUT OUT.
Which is currently my voice ringtone HAH! (●≧▽≦)
I rewatched Episode 6, the part where he performed his song so many times. Countless times.
I was so obsessed about it to the point I screenshot him lolz. ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ ♪
Check 'em out!! *
dies from fangasmeargasm NOOOOSEEBLLEEEDDDD* XD
The start of the song. I just love that sharp look he has on his face. So intense! So sekushii!! (゚.゚*)
It's crazy how sekushii he can be.
Omg, the infamous
taking-one-side-of-the-jacket-off part. *
You have no idea how many times I raep that rewind button... (・_・ )
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself LOL.
I just HAD to screenshot where one side of the jacket has been pulled down completely. 8D
No problem. I shall come closer. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
No, it's not the same pic. I just like to picspam his sekushii moments. (*≧▽≦)
He's grabbing sekishiily onto his sekushii jacket which makes him look even more sekushii.
How is that even possible? (;´ρ`)
Sekushii death glare. 8D
I wouldn't mind being glared by someone who's sekushii as Satsuki.
♥ ♥
It's too bad he didn't perform the entire song. *
I'd die of happiness if he did. \(゚▽゚=))/
All hail to Satsuki-sama. ★