It's so HOT

It's been so hot lately~ ヽ(゚`Д´゚)ノ

This used to be so beautiful and so nostalgic to look at! *points below*
Now I just hate hate hate it. Boo. This sucks! Grrr...

It's so hot that it's so hard to go out in the afternoon. (;_・)

Even sitting in an a/c room is not cooling enough. (*´ο`*)=3

Ugh, I hate global warming and I know I'm contributing to it too by using the a/c. *facepalm*

I look forward to 2013, if I'm still here. \m/

A Second Official Bloggie

Yo, yo, yo~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

I've been procrastinating to blog lately. Hm...
I'm just lazy like that. (LOL)

Anyways, this is just gonna be a short post. |・ω・`)
I just got myself a second blog. ♥

There's nothing much on it yet! (Due to my procrastination attitude)

I edited most of the stuff that needs to be edited and changed.
I changed the HTML coding a little bit to suit my liking. d(-_^)

I love how it looks. ♥
I have yet to start blogging on it and test out the waters of my new blog, haha!
I hope it's nice and easy (or at least, easier than figuring out the navigation around FC2)...
Ahaha~ _| ̄|○

I might blog on there more often than here.
But then again, it depends on my mood. *shrugs*

I can't really abandon this blog cause I love it too much! ( ̄へ ̄)

Here's the link to my second bloggie, if you're interested~

× I QUIT! R.I.P.×

I, finally, stop playing Backyard Monsters on Facebook. (・ェ・)

My prove. *points below*

Don't think I didn't do that. (LOL) Cause I did! ♥

That was my way of quitting Backyard Monsters. ( ̄ー ̄)

I used to love playing that game on Facebook.
I think I was at Level 24 or so~ ( ゚▽゚)

I really hated getting attacked and repairing my defenses and buildings.
It was horrible! I couldn't stand being attacked!! ―(T_T)→

And so, I decided to quit with an extremely lame reason. (LOL)

R.I.P. Backyard Monsters. ♥
I enjoyed the joy of the game while it lasted. (-_^)

Megu Megu ☆ Fire Endless Night (Guitar Version)

I just came across this extremely awesome video! ☆

It's a super duper uber awesome guitar cover of the extremely godly song, Megu Megu ☆ Fire Endless Night (メグメグ☆ファイアーエンドレスナイト). o(≧∇≦)o

Unfortunately, those who have a Nico Nico Douga account can only view this video. 
( ̄へ ̄)
YouTube don't have it either. (LOL)
It was taken down... m(_ _)m

Ain't it just superb? ♥ ♥

I can't stop spreading the word of this cover. (LOL)

It's too awesome! *o*

I even downloaded it on NicoSound. ( ゚▽゚)/
Yeah, I'm too obsessed with this song. Ahaha~

Oh, here's the download link (if you want it). ↓

No worries if you don't understand Japanese. \(・∀・*)

Click on the button that has been double-circled in red (refer to the picture below!). ↓

Just click on that button and it will automatically start the downloading the song from the video. ★★
No registration need at all~ ヘ(^_^ヘ)

Enjoy the eargasm music~ ♥

Vocaloid forever! ♥

Spread the word~ (*≧▽≦) *getshot

Oh! One more thing~
Here's the guitarist's Nico Nico Dougo account. ↓

I'm not too sure of his name. (LOL)
Looking at his Ameblo, he calls himself "カス男 (Kasu Otoko)". (^o^*)

Correct me if I'm wrong please~ ♥

\m/ Piapro Account \m/

Hey, hey, hey! (^-^*)/

I just created a Piapro account~ ☆

My proof! (LOL)

This will make my life a little easier, sort of? (´・`)

I hope I'll use this account to download something soon! ♥

I used this tutorial to help me to create this Piapro account. (LOL) ↓

I don't know how to read Japanese. Ahahaha~ *getshot*
I know I should start learning! m(_ _)m

More Facebook?!

I think I use Facebook too much! (LOL)

I dreamed of Facebook this morning, haha. ∑(O_O;)

I was playing CityVille, I think? ( ̄~ ̄;)
Then again, I might be wrong. (LOL)

My brain is going haywire. Ahaha~

Facebook, Facebook and more Facebook!

Since I'm still waiting for my results and I'm still jobless, this is what I do every single day of my life. _| ̄|○

From day to night, night to day, Sunday to Saturday and etc.
You get the point! (LOL)

Everyday, it's Facebook games. How depressing!

I'm not "addicted", I'm just bored. (ノ´∀`*)ノ
Seriously, I got nothing to do at home! Ahahaha~

I don't see how people live without Facebook!
Especially, the younger generation (like me!). Haha!! ( ̄~ ̄;)

I mean, YouTube is getting boring. There's barely any good videos anymore!
MySpace is boring too. There's barely anyone on it. Hah!!
Friendster has been forgotten. (LOL) So, nothing to say about it.

So, Facebook it is. (*´ο`*)

And TV has nothing that interests me... Ugh!

This sucks so badly. ―(T_T)→

Anyways, I hope I get a life soon. (LOL)

Happy Chinese New Year 2011

Yay! It's that time of the year again! ♥
It's Chinese New Year. v(^o^)v

Just gonna wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!

And it's the bunny year too. ♪

I hope everyone will have an amazing year! (^▽^*)

I hope it will be an amazing year for me too. (LOL)

Oh, and more red packets please?
Ahaha~ (LOL)

Anyways! Have an awesome Chinese New Year. ♥

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