I'm finally over with my final exams! At last, FREEDOM! I'm so glad it's OVER. :D
It feels amazing to not study anymore - at least, for this year. (LOL)
My complete review of the exam this week. :3
From the 3rd of November 'till 5th of November. I didn't have any paper on Monday (2nd of November), so, I didn't attend school. Hehe... :]

Maths and Business studies = WOW.
Two tough subjects straight in a day! xD I studied a little for Maths but I didn't memorize the formulas. Fortunately, they gave the formulas! You should have seen my reaction. Haha!! I think I did quite well. ^^
As for Business studies, I think I did quite TERRIBLE! Ugh. I didn't memorize most of it. I couldn't answer my essay questions properly either! I was on the verge of screaming. But I couldn't or else, people might freak out and think I'm weird and cracked. XD Thank gosh I got through it! Can't wait for my results. :]

Additional Maths = MY WORSE NIGHTMARE!!
It sucks so badly. I couldn't answer MOST of it. I left about... 7 questions BLANK. I don't wanna hear what my teacher says about this. (LOL) I wouldn't be surprise if I fail. :] And I most defiantly WILL fail, no doubt and denying in THIS fact. Period.

LAST DAY! Sivik. :]
I didn't memorize ANYTHING the day before that cause I thought I would chill and study in the morning once I get to school. It was half an hour before the paper was given. I managed to stuff everything into my goldfish-span brain! Yay for ME! :D
I, seriously, crapped a whole lot! I don't know what I was thinking. (LOL) I just wrote down whatever I memorize and hopes it's correct. Haha!

Anyways, we (everyone) resume their normal studies at 9.40AM. But there's nothing to study so, we sat in our groups and chit-chatted the ENTIRE day at school! It's really fun, I had lots of laughter. My cheeks hurt from laughing! :O
Oh! I got back my Science paper!! I'm, frankly, quite proud of what I got!
I had 61% (over 100%)!! It's not much but STILL! Most of my friends got like 41% or 43%. I think I'm one of the highest but ain't sure. The highest was about 67%. :]

And, and, and, when my friend and I went to hand something over to my Maths teacher. We peaked when she was writing down my class's marks!! :O She managed to mark the objectives. I saw mine and I got 21 over 30!! I'm so glad the whole rushing-to-study-at-the-last-minute paid off! :3 Most of the people in my class for 11, 13 and 17.

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