It's called Dear My Teacher. It's sucha naughty song. ;P
Don't look at me like that.
Something's starting, isn't it?
It's cunning to tempt without speaking definitely.
Why have you been so quiet?
Folding your arms like that
You must be worried about
how I handle you.
Hey, let's casually
think about the two of us.
Hey, in this world there's nothing but men, women and gays.
I'll soon understand
that simple answer too.
Kiss me BABY!
Kiss me BABY!
Embrace my fragile self.
Won't you teach me
better than a textbook can?
Kiss me BABY!
Kiss me BABY!
Anyway, soon I'll experience it.
My first partner will be
Dear dear my teacher!
Why are you hesitating?
You're tied down to your morals, right?
Human emotions
won't stop for any reason.
Maybe this is different to love,
but is that really so bad?
I have a mission.
There are things you want to try, aren't there?
Hey, I definitely
definitely won't tell anyone.
It'll just be us, I won't even tell my parents.
Things happen everywhere
that are soon forgotten.
Do it BABY!
Do it BABY!
Won't you teach me a lesson?
I just want to have
some secret private lessons.
Do it BABY!
Do it BABY!
If you just turn the key in the door
I'll be a good girl.
Dear dear my teacher!
Shake it BABY!
Shake it BABY!
So where shall we start?
If you won't say it with words,
I'll close my eyes.
Shake it BABY!
Shake it BABY!
Lessons are your specialty, aren't they?
Teach me now,
Dear dear my teacher!
PS: It gave me a new idea for a story. ;]
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