Super Cute Donashi

The other day Photobucket
I was at Aeon with my mom and sister.
We bought this super cute Donashi from The Big Apple Donuts!

It's truly and very cute.
Though, I do not think I want another box of these~ Photobucket

It's delicious and all that stuff but...
It's 18 pieces of mini sushi-like donuts. Photobucket

That is just too much for me (and it's too much calories!)!

I think I shall stick with the normal round and big donuts. LOL.

The Donashi don't have much choices.


Oh, Messy Table, Oh

Ever since my trials and national exam are around the corner Photobucket
My table has been in such a mess! Photobucket

My table is usually messy but not THIS messy!

This is a disaster. LOL!

I wonder why my table is never clean? Photobucket


♥ Newly Updated Wishlist ♥

Hello! Photobucket

Recently, I updated my wishlist (again).
I am truly a materialistic girl. Haha.

I added in--
1. Sony DCR-SX63E or DCR-SX44E
2. Danceroid DVD
3. Half Gas Mask
4. Cute Face Mask


1. Sony DCR-SX63E or DCR-SX44E

I couldn't decide which camcorder I wanted. Hence, the or.
It depends if the shop sells it or not.


I wonder which of these two colours should I get?

DCR-SX44E (Blue)

DCR-SX44E (Red)

I hope it looks nicer in real life.

2. Danceroid DVD

There's not really a reason to NOT want this!

I just really, really like watching people dancing.
It's just pure joy! Photobucket

I hope I'll be able to save up enough money to order it.
*cross fingers*

3. Half Gas Mask

This might be a little crazy but I totally want this thing!

I have personal reasons of wanting it. cool

You might be able to know what's the reason next year or so.

4. Cute Face Mask

Cute Face Mask pretty much says everything.

I don't think I need a self-explanatory here. ;D

And again, you might be able to know why I want this next year or so. Photobucket

And that is all for now!


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