World Book Day 2010

I know I haven't blogged in ages.
I'm just too busy. But I hope I'll be able to catch up with everything!
I have dozens and dozens of photos to be posted and blogged~

Anyways, this was what happened a few weeks ago. ♥
I don't remember some parts though!

In the morning, I followed my mom to the market.
And I finally got my mom to buy this!

It's honey lemon sweets~
I think it improves my vocals.

Later in the afternoon, we went to Aeon.

I don't know why but we went to the Popular Bookstore.
I seriously do not remember a thing~ _| ̄|○

But these were the few things we bought.

I shall introduce what my sister bought before I show you mine.
( ´∀`)

The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K.Rowling

The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Volume 1 and 2) by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

This was what my mom bought.

Magic Steamed Cake by Alex Goh
This is truly an amazing book! ☆

Last but not least, my books!
Hee hee... (LOL)

Hell's Heroes by Darren Shan
I finally got my hands on this book!
Phew... (*´ο`*)=3

(L to R): The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman and Halo by Zizou Corder

House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
These are only the first 4 books. ( ̄▽ ̄)

And a free poster that comes along with the set of books (House of Night series)!

We got 3 sets of these.
These are bookmarks, if you're wondering.

"Woah" at the price, right?
I'm just glad that they has discounts! (LOL)

After going book craze, we went into Jusco.
We bought some fruits, veggies and stuff.

Now, you'll see random pictures and cracking dirty jokes.

Doesn't this remind you of the traffic light? :P

If look at it closely, it looks like an asshole. (LOL)

Does the mushrooms remind you of something really naughty? ;D
If you read yaoi, you'll get the joke.

More traffic lights!

That's just me pointing at the fish... xDD;;

Believe or not, these are organic alphabets!
It's super cute. I wanted to buy it just for the heck of it. (LOL)

Leek! Reminds me of Hatsune Miku. ♥

Do you know what is this?
It's the type of egg they use for sushi!
I want it too~ But I don't know what I'll use it for... ( ̄~ ̄;)

If I'm not mistaken, this is a weird-shaped pumpkin?

Hee hee hee...
This is so Glee!! ♥

This reminds me so much of Pet Society. (LOL)

So, that's my random day!
There are many more long posts to go.

以上、美砂でした! ♡

Within My Grasps

☆Hey!ヽ('ー'#)/ Hello!☆

Last Monday, I got my Lollipop cellphone! ↑↑
It's super awesome! ★

By the way...
There were 3 pink Lollipops left only!
I'm so lucky~ ↑

I, currently, name my cellphone 「Megumi」.
It means 「blessing」 in English! ☆彡
But I think, I'll call it 「Megu-chan」 for short. (LOL)

I also got a phone charm!
Well, I didn't get it recently, I bought it when I was in Malacca.

Isn't it cute? ♥
( ´∀`)

It's a really cute pink bunny that goes along with my dear Megu-chan!

Oh! I've named this bunny, 「Airi」.
There are two meanings to this name.
「Ai」means 「love」.
「Ri」has two meanings to it! It could mean 「jasmine」 or 「pear」.
But I shall go with 「Ri」 that means 「jasmine」 instead. ★

I've also named it 「Airi」 because my idol is 「Suzuki Airi」 of ℃-ute!
Isn't it wonderful?
Now, I can carry my idol everywhere I go. (^o^)v

I don't know when I bought this... ↓

It was meant to be the phone charm of my cellphone...
But it didn't suit it's colour nor it cuteness...
Argh! I'm so foolish to buy and not use it.
I hope I'll find another purpose for it soon~

Besides that ↑
The camera quality is quite good!

This is Angel, my doggie! ♥
It took such a perfect and cute shot of her. ♥

I wanted to post a picture of myself but I look so horrible!
With the pimples, oily face and black heads, GROSS!
I don't wanna show my current face yet. _| ̄|○

So far, I've loaded 3 songs into my cellphone.
These songs are...「Oh!」 by SNSD, 「Round and Round」 by U-KISS and 「It's My Life/Confessions Mash Up」 by the Glee Cast. ☆

I couldn't add more cause I have not received my external memory card yet.
I will get it by tomorrow or later. \(^o^)/

Everything is so cute about this cellphone!
I don't regret getting my mom to buy it at all.
I love the games on it, the LED lights, the secret lighting, the camera quality, the volume, the keypad, everything!

And if you scroll down and look on the right-side of this page, you will see my wishlist!
I have 2 ticked off now. ↑↑↑

( ´∀`)

Toughest Essay I've Ever Written!

Do you know what is the above image showing?
It is water!

Sure, I love water and all that stuff.

Last week, my class was given the assignment to write an essay about water quality.
Tomorrow, I gotta hand it in! ↓↓

This is so hard~( ̄へ ̄)
I just wanna take my book and throw it into my teacher's face! ↑

I can't! ( ̄~ ̄;)

And it's not to be written in English.
If it's an English essay, it'll really make my life easier~
But it's not.  ̄Д ̄

I hope you are not annoyed by my ranting.
Gotta rant once in a while! ↑↑

Since I can't complain to my family...
I will rant out my heart here!

It'll make it better if I could rant it out from my mouth.
Ah. I'm not making sense anymore...

So, I'm leaving you with this last post for today.

And ★

Soon To Be Mine - LG Lollipop

This cellphone is soon to be mine! ♥

My mom has booked the Sweet Pink and Aqua Blue. ☆
The dealer said that the stock for the cellphones might come on this up-coming Tuesday! ↑↑↑
And, my mom said she's gonna take the day off from work just to get us this cellphone.

How lucky am I to get a wonderful mother like her! \(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/

Speaking of the cellphone ★
The Sweet Pink one was a little hard to get!
Usually, the one that is available is the Aqua Blue and Titanium Grey.

Oh~ The Aqua Blue one is soon-to-be my sister's one.
At first, when my mom said she bought it for her too, I was super angry!!
It was so unfair. It's a personal thing, so I don't wanna rant about her.
Karma might strike back. ↓↓

I shall be a good girl and be nice. ★
Gotta work on that more! ( ̄▽ ̄)

Dear cellphone ☆
Please reach Malaysia faster! ↑↑


Meet Dave × Sound of Music

Those two movies make a weird combination. (*´Д`)=3

Gotta finish watching these two movies before next week!
I hope I'll be able to~ ┌┤´д`├┐

Oh! Anyways, I'm blabbing nonsense~

So, I should start making sense. ↑↑

I borrowed 「Meet Dave」 from a friend of mine last month. (LOL)
And I still haven't watched it nor returned it back!
I'm like this... (*´ο`*)
I feel terrible for not watching it!
I shall do it soon. ★

Today ☆
During my violin class, my teacher borrowed me this DVD.

「Sound of Music」

I've always wanted to buy this DVD and watch it but it's so expensive! _| ̄|○
It's about RM60... Do you know what you can do with RM60?
You can buy 2 albums with it! ↑

That's not my point.
I was surprised my teacher borrowed me this DVD. ★
My teacher called me and the girl after my class, "deprived kids". (LOL)
Not in an offensive way!! (>ω<)

Can't wait to watch these two movies!
It seems like a very fun weekend - NOT!

I've got TONS and TONS of homework to do~
Not so excited about that... _| ̄|○

Nevermind, I will do my best to complete them all and watch these two movies to!


S/mileage's Major Debut!

Congratulations to these 4 awesome girls!
\(* ̄∇ ̄)/ \( ̄∇ ̄*)/

These girls are so lucky to have their major debut after working so hard! ☆
Take a look when they announce the news are stuff~

And this just came out. ↑↑↑

This is their major debut song.
It's called 「Yume Miru 15」.

Their upcoming single is so cool! ☆
Even though it's just a preview, it's still so awesome! ↑↑↑

Maybe they'll get dance shots this time?

Anyways, that's not the point of this post.



★ LG Lollipop is Officially in Malaysia ★

Can you believe this?
LG Lollipop (GD580) has finally been released in Malaysia!!

I saw it in my local newspaper this morning in school!
I wished I could squeal out loud but I was in class and the teacher was teaching~

I'm so happy that it has finally touch down in Malaysia! ☆
This is wonderful news. ↑↑

It's really a wonderful cellphone to look at.

Ain't it pretty? This is the inside of it.
I still want the pink one! ★○★

And this is a comparison between the Ice-cream cellphone and Lollipop cellphone.
I do NOT own this video!

And I wanna repeat myself again...
I do NOT own this video!!
I hope we are all clear on that.

Currently, there are three colours only.
But that's alright! ↑↑↑

(L to R: Titanium Grey, Aqua Blue, Sweet Pink)

It costs only RM 799! ★
It's super cheap considering it's from South Korea, it has a wonderful design, it has a self-camera, interesting LED lights, very cute fonts and etc!

I definitely gotta get one for myself as soon as possible! ↑↑
Oh~ I just asked my mom about it and it seems like a 50/50 chance.

I hope my mom will buy it before it runs out!
I heard the pink one is quite hard to get!!! T^T

But anyways...
This has been an interesting day.


April Fool's Day ↓↓↓

Today was April Fool's Day, the day I hate the most.
I don't know why but I just find it ridiculous! ↑

Anyways~ I got tricked by my friends TWICE!
I can't believe it~ Gah~ ↓↓↓

Their acting was so realistic that I just fell for the trick...
I should put up another guard again.
Don't wanna be a fool anymore! ★

The first time that I was tricked is a personal matter. (LOL)
Girl matter. ≧∩≦
So not funny!!

And the second time was my friend, Petrina, called me because (apparently) my Science teacher called me.
At first, I was really hesitant and I was being extra cautious!
I don't really wanna tell it on my blog cause it's ridiculous~ (LOL)
But anyways, luckily, she told me "April Fool!".

Gosh, I could die at that moment!! (LOL!!)
It was SOO not funny...
But it wasn't at first but I think about it again, it's really hilarious. :P

So that was my very unfortunate day~


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