100 Random Questions About Me

Do you have any alcohol in the house?
If I'm not mistaken, yes. Though, no one ever drinks it. :P

Who is your last text message from?
Don't know. I haven't been checking my cellphone for almost 3 weeks.

Do you drink 1 litre of water a day?
No... unfortunately.

Thinking of someone you hate, who's the first person to come to mind?
I'll get in trouble if I say so. :P

Do you have long fingers?
No, I wished I had!

Are you double jointed?
No, I think.

Do you laugh when someone is funny?
Yes. Isn't that the point of it? xD

Can you stand on one leg for very long?
No. I wouldn't last 3 minutes!

Did you learn anything today?
Yeah, I guess.

Are you good at maths?
I'm good at certain chapters.

What subject do you excel in?

How much money do you have in your bank?
Not gonna tell you! :3

Would you meet someone on the internet?
Yeash~ ^3^

Do you have salt on lots of things?
Salt on lots of things? Don't get it. LOL.

Do you drink lots of soda?
Nope, I rarely drink soda.

Did you make any new years resolutions this year?

Have you followed through?
No... @_@

Do you often wonder what people are thinking?
I wonder always, it's a mystery! :P

Have you ever seen a turtle?
Yup. Their huge. x_x;;

How often do you go to the beach?

How many siblings do you have?
One older sister. :/

Where was the last place you went that was overseas?

Would you eat a live spider for 0?

What's the most you've spent in one store?
More than RM100, I think.

Do you go shopping at least once a week?
No. :[

Do you take your mobile phone everywhere?
I used to, except school (of course!).

Can you count to ten in a different language?
Yes! I can count to ten in Japanese. :D

Do you often sing in the shower?
No, my family will think I'm a weirdo. =_="

Can you do more than one thing with your tongue?
I can twist and roll it.

Can you go cross eyed?
Yup! :3

Do you get along with your family?
I guess so.

Have you ever thrown a drink in someones face?
No but I wanna do it someday! XD

Who's the last person to tell you that they like you?
Don't remember!

Do you have good hearing?
No... @_@

Have you ever hurt an animal on purpose?
That's insane, of course NOT!

Do you feel sick at the sight of blood?
I find it awesome.

When's the last time you had stitches?

How many books do you read a month?

Last person you checked out?
No one.

Last thing you yelled about?
My sister but that was just for fun. LOL!

Who is your last IM from?
Don't remember. The last I logged into my MSN was about 3 weeks ago!

What time did you go to bed last night?
Around 1AM.

Do you often set your alarm clock?
No. My mom's my alarm clock. x3

Can you read?
Yeah, DUH! If I can't, what the hell am I doing now? Ridiculous!

Do you get drunk almost every weekend?
No, I've never gotten drunk before either.

Do you collect anything?

Do you like bendy straws or normal straws?
Bendy straws! xD

Are you random?
When I'm at my maximum point of boredom, I'm very random and sarcastic.

Do you like to talk about your feelings?
Honestly, no. I feel a little embarrassed.

Can you run fast?
No. =_=;;

When you get too tired, do you get bitchy or hyper?
Neither. I'm still the same except I complain more than usual.

Has anyone of the opposite sex ever said you were beautiful/handsome?
Thankfully, YES!

Are you a druggie?
Eww, NO.

Have you ever been kicked out of a classroom?
Yes... Just don't ask... -_-"

Do your parents often ask you for help with their phones or computer?
My mom does.

When you don't understand a word do you look up its meaning?
If I feel like it, I will. xD

Do you try and expand your vocabulary?
Yes but unfortunately, the word won't stick onto my brain!!

Do you know what your IQ is?
No. I bet it's less than 100.

Do you know who is president?
I don't have the whole "president" system in my country.

Last myspace page you visited?
AnCafe's MySpace page! :D

Do you go on myspace daily?
No, I got sick and tired of it...

Do you know anyone who is engaged?
Nope. =/

How old do you think you will be when you get married?
Probably when I'm nearly 30 but hopefully, that won't happen!

What is the longest word you know?
Hippopotamus. xP

Out of all the people you know who has the strangest name?

Do you walk up to randoms and start a conversation with them?
No, that'll freak people out!

Whens the last time you showered?
This afternoon. :P

Do you wear perfume?
No, I can't stand most of the smell!! Bleh...!

When was your last hangover?
Never. :D

Do you know how to use a washing machine?
Of course I do. o_O

Are you a good cook?
I only know how to boil an egg. xD

Whats the best invention since sliced bread?
Don't know.

How awesome is YouTube?

What's the last thing to annoy you?
The house phone that rang.

What's a useless fact you know?
I don't think facts are useless. Their all useful, one way or another!

Do you own more than ten books?

What's to your right?

Do you eat jelly?
Yup! ^^

What color shirt are you wearing?

How many DVDs do you own?
Not that many. Most are my sister's or dad's.

Can you do ballet?
No. :'[

Is Claude Monet a author or artist?
Don't know. o.o;;

What time is it?
It's currently 12.07AM.

What time is it now?
Read the above. :P

Have you ever ridden a horse?

Do you believe in god?
Not entirely.

Have you read the bible?
Planning to do that. xD

What's the weirdest pet you've had?
You. xD Jkjk!

Are you good at lying?
I'm bad at lying... TToTT

When you don't get your way do you make people feel guilty?
Wha'? I don't get this question!

Do you like reading Sci-fi or Romantic?
That's tough... I guess romantic...

Do you do the grocery shopping?
Nope, my mom does it.

Do you sleep naked?
No. Though, I would like to try it. xD

How many high heels do you own?
None, seriously.

Are you good at looking but not buying?
It depends on my mood. :P

What's the last CD you bought?
Tokio Hotel's Humanoid (English) album. :3

Do you drink coffee daily?

Have you burp the alphabet?
No. o_O

Are you wearing socks?

Where are your parents?
In the living room. :/

Shocking News? XD

This week, I had P.E. and we had to measure our height, weight and test our eyesights. XD I got a (temporary) shock... @_@;;

I grew a few inches taller... which I DON'T WANT TO!!
I don't wanna grow taller anymore... TToTT

I'm currently 164cm. Bleh~
I was 159cm when I was 15. XD And now, I'm going to be 17. :P
It kinda sucks knowing I'm growing taller.
I wished I never grew taller... Honestly, I don't want to...

Okkies, enough of my rants. XD
Bye-bye! :P

생일축하합니다 ★ HERO ♪

생일축하합니다, Hero! ♥
Happy birthday, Hero! ♥

I remember when I was head over heels for this boy guy. ★
I still am but not as crazy as I was. xD
Ah~ I remember I fell in love with him when I saw him in their MV "Rising Sun".
I was practically squealing with my cousin in the living room. ROFLMAO! ♥



This movie is awesome. :3
Though, I thought the fighting scenes were too short. xD
And I wished there were more dead people but too bad, there weren't.

Anyways, this is just a short update... Bye. xD

PS: I haven't watch The Vampire's Assistant yet... UGH! @_@

Questions & Answers

NOTE: I'm re-doing this!!

I took this from Micchi's blog, she took it from Inapi's blog, Inapi took it from MissAnonymous's blog and the list goes on. XD

1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Travel out of the country! :D

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Honestly, I forgot! But I'm making new ones this year. :]

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No... *touch wood*

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A new phone and an iTouch. Also, I would like to loose these fats! xD

7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
None specifically. ;P

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting no. 4 in class!

9. What was your biggest failure?
Failing History and Add Maths 3 times in a row - why is that not surprising? LOL!

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Just minor ones.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Figurines and my Kuroshitsuji pentagram phone charm! I love it!!!

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Don't know.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Don't remember.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Gifts for friends and buying a new phone charm for myself.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Going to Singapore. LOL!

16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
None specifically. :P

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier.
b) Thinner or fatter? Fatter... x_x;;
c) Richer or poorer? Poorer. LOL!

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Studying and saving up more money.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Download loads of stuff and less computer time...

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Travelling around Singapore. :3

21. Did you fall in love in 2009?
You shall never know. ;3

22. How many one-night stands?
None... o.O"

23. What was your favorite TV program?

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Yes. My hatred for her has calmed down a lot. :]

25. What was the best book you read?
The Black Magicians trilogy and the last book of The Saga of Darren Shan!

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Don't know.

27. What did you want and get?
A Yagami Hayate figurine, top 5 in class and being able to play the violin.

28. What did you want and not get?
An new phone.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?
Ninja Assassin! Heh. ;D

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Just went out for a really expensive dinner and ate blueberry cake.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Loosing the fats.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
Terrible. Clothes ain't cheap! xD

33. What kept you sane?

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Shirota Yuu, Rain, Kevin from U-Kiss and Joon from MBLAQ.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
I give up on that crap. It's all bullshit!

36. Who did you miss?
Titan, Mini Black and Mini Brown. TT^TT

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Samantha and the gang. xD Without them, the class '09 and future '10 would be dead boring to me!

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
Follow your instincts, it's (most of the time) right! Hahahahaha...!

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
The whole song from Buono's Bravo☆Bravo.

Torture × Nightmare

Uh-oh. School is starting! Bleh~
I really hate school, y'know? It means more nagging, more tiresome days, more noisy teachers, more screwing up your weekends and etc. :] You get my point. LOL!

Again, I can't believe I'm gonna be the senior of seniors already!
This will give the teachers to nag us more...
"Be more responsible, show good examples to your juniors!" Said Miss/Mr X.

When school officially starts, which is tomorrow, I gotta prepare myself!
Homeworks are gonna start piling up! You will feel like your arms are about to fall apart from too much writing. Peer pressure. After-school activities. Violin class. Tuitions!
Gosh, I'm gonna go crazy!

I hope I can make sometime for myself to study more too. This is a really important year for all Form 5 students. *sighs*

*head bash* xD

Okkies. Bye-bye! :]

Proudly Presenting MBLAQ and U-Kiss

I recently discovered these two super-duper awesome boy bands!
MBLAQ (pronounced as M Black) and U-kiss. ♥

MBLAQ stands for Music Boy Live in Absolute Quality.
They're really awesome! This band consists 5 members who are Seung Ho, Joon, G.O., Cheon Dung and Mir. ♥ ♥
What's more awesome is that they're under J.Tune! Rain owns J.Tune Entertainment. xD

Besides that, the first song I've ever heard from them is Oh Yeah and the second song is G.O.O.D. Love. :]

My favourite member is Joon!
He acted in the movie, Ninja Assassin, as the younger version of Rain's character Raizo. Heh~! *0*

He's so cute! ♥ And he can do ballet and modern dancing (DUH!)! :D
I seriously love guys who are really good at dancing. ♥
But more importantly, he has a wonderful smile!!


Now, U-Kiss! :D
U-Kiss stands for Ubiquitous Korean International Super Star.
This band consists of 7 members who are Alexander, Soo Hyun, Ki Bum, Ki Seop, Eli, Kevin and Dong Ho.

I fell in love with them when I saw them performing in Music Bank! My jaws just dropped at how good their music was and how perfect all the members were! ♥
They were performing Man Man Ha Ni (Translation: Am I Easy?). I really love the meaning of the song too! :D

I don't know if I got the correct video or not but what the heck?
Check out the video with English subs, it's really cool! :D

Now... My most favourite member! xD *drum roll*
It's KEVIN!! Yay~~ :3

Sometimes I screw up a think Eli is Kevin and Kevin is Eli. xD They both have blonde hair and almost the same length. Haha~ Can't blame me... x_x;;

That's all for now! CHU~♥

♥ Hello, 2010! ♥

It's 2010. Can you believe it? Time flies!
I hope everyone have a good this year cause I know I won't, haha!
But I'm really looking forward to almost everything... xD

I'm gonna be 17 this year! And I don't like that fact...
I'm gonna have to take driving tests and stuff! Bleh~~
And I'm having my national exam this year, which sucks! I was suppose to study during my long semester break last year but I got distracted with my novels and manga(s) and going out with people... LOL!!! XD
But besides the fact that I'm gonna have the national exam this year, it's my last year in school! I kinda love the fact that I'm no longer gonna go school anymore but I'm kinda not looking forward to it either. Confusing, aye?

Besides the bad stuff, I'm looking forward to having a new cellphone and an iTouch!
My mom said I could get them after my national exam which finishes on December. It sucks but better something than nothing! I've already plan to get the Korean phone, LG Lollipop! :3 I know it's gonna be really expensive cause in Korea, it's 500000 won! If you convert it into Malaysian Ringgit, it's RM1300+.

Actually, I wanted to get an LG Ice-cream (which is two times cheaper cause it was released in 2008) but it isn't as nice as LG Lollipop! xD

See my point? :3
I want a PINK LG Lollipop! :D

Anyways... xD Oh!
Please ask me some questions on formspring.me.
It's located on the right side navigation bar thingy. Any type of questions are all right, I guess.

I think that's all!

PS: I'll be blogging about my trip to Singapore later - I hope!

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